People often ask me what my company does
besides publishing books. I tell them that we also do editing + proofreading,
research for various projects + copywriting (and public relations) for individuals,
small businesses, corporations, government departments and civic organisations
among other peripheral clients. Did I also mention media training? Alright then.

Among the follow-up questions they ask
me would that astounding request for clarity: “Exactly what it is that an
editor does? What do you mean editing? What is that?” This might sound like a
silly question, but it is delightfully genuinely. Being the think-on-your-feet
fellow that I am, I always have a number of answers up my sleeve. One of those
is that I sell marinade to the chesa nyama guys. Or that I remove weeds from
people’s gardens. Yet, these are not my favourites.

The one answer that I love the most, and
will share with you just now, is wrapped up in the following phrase: Consider
me a domestic worker for writers.

They ask what I mean by that. I tell
them, “Imagine being invited to speak at a friend’s wedding. You buy yourself a
killer outfit and when the big day comes you can’t wait to take a nice warm
bath and rock the outfit. After dressing up, you rush to deliver your rehearsed
speech at your friend’s wedding. When you get there, everyone is shocked to see
you. As you wonder what’s going on, some brave soul takes you to the back of
the venue and tells you that your outfit is not ironed. You look at your outfit
and suddenly realise that it’s wrinkled and too embarrassing for you to be
wearing it.

“Not waiting for more scorn, you speed
home and immediately ask the domestic worker to iron the outfit for you as soon
as possible because you are next on the programme. The domestic worker,
especially if it’s your spouse (kkkkk), happily gives the outfit its proper
look and feel. Moments later you wear it with pride and head back to your
friend’s wedding feeling good about yourself. Everyone who thought you had been
hit by a bomb is now excited to see that you survived the blast. As you give
your resounding speech you are not really sure if they are clapping hands for
your wise words or the fact that you had your outfit sorted out. It matters
little because in the end you win.

That’s similar to what I do, except that
I won’t let you leave the house in a wrinkled outfit to begin with. I make sure
that your writing looks its best when it lands in the hands of a reader. You need
not worry about spelling, grammar, flow or style. Those are my domestic duties,
at the right fee. I have been doing this for five years and have been writing
for 10 years before I became an editor. That’s me and my company. We give you
the EPS Feeling: Experience + Knowledge + Sekgowa = ROYAL MINDS COMMUNICATIONS

In case you need any of our services,
holla at your man on 073 635 4550 or hit me with an inbox message right
here on FB. #2017WeInBusinessPapa