Wednesday, March 12, 2014

The tragedy of marriage

(A poem for Relebogile Kgalane)

What great a tragedy it is for a man to get married
If he marries not his bosom friend
Below the rubble of loss of self for decades buried
His beginning, nothing but a sorrowful end

But what an awesome joy it should be
For one so affectionately blind to begin to see
That a vow made to friendship
Is an intravenous tonic that travels skin deep
Better than a spouse with whom you only share the cottage of sleep
For a friend will tow you when life elects itself a harrowing steep

Therefore, my homey, be a good lover
But forget not to be a friend, or rather
Forget not to be one who sticks closer than a brother
For friendship is a new breast post our weaning from dear Mother

What a tragedy it is for a man to marry a wife
If he marries not the one who makes him laugh all day,
Cry some nights, but celebrate all his life
Than the one who loves you less than she does your payday

"Here comes the bride, here comes the bride"
The melodies of Eros serenade us as we beam with pride
And glory be to Eloah, when behind the veil it is your friend that hides
What a blessed day, when a man deepens his amorous strides
