Wednesday, October 15, 2014

12 Types of People Who Stay Broke

12 Types of People Who Stay Broke

Anyone wishing to follow their heart into the dark subway of entrepreneurship should first consider their relationship with money before hoping to see light at the end of the tunnel. Whether you are a believer or not, entrepreneurship should be seen as simply “Playing God.” That means it should be an attitude that identifies an opportunity to create multiple forms of life in empty space - providing light services and products where darkness has covered the surface of your deep (market). Unless you are a not-for-profit entity, at the end of the day the entrepreneur’s successful services or products must go through the litmus test of financial benefit, which is not necessarily profit, but money generated from the business activities of the enterprise, depending on how much you love or loathe bleeding your hard work on taxes. People judging you as an entrepreneur will only want to know one thing, is your business broke or loaded? Are you making money or just playing busy? Of course, this brings us back to the entrepreneur’s relationship with money in general, not just for the business venture in particular.

The hardest pill to swallow for any aspiring entrepreneur is the undeniable fact that changing from being broke to being loaded is not going to be a walk in the park. It is not going to be an overnight music festival. It is fact going to be one hell of a mammoth task, a financial Kilimanjaro climb of sorts. The entrepreneur must admit that the only way to enjoy financial freedom is to have an awesome relationship with finances, starting with the little you have in your wallet or bank account. Many of us have committed financial suicide a million times but ironically we remain shocked at why our business ventures are not taking off. No business can become a success if the our finances are not well organised. We all need to have that unbreakable relationship with money. Unfortunately, most of us are stuck in the Broke Cycle. The entrepreneur needs to know that nothing will change until we change. Many rappers have alway believed that “If it don’t make money it don’t make sense.” The question is, what do you do with the money you make?

Below is a list of the 12 Types of People Who Stay Broke. These are just behaviours we need to change from before believing we can make some financial success of our lives.

1. The Blind Spender
(RED FLAG: No sense of saving)

You get money into your hands, your purse, your wallet, your pocket or your bank account and you immediately look for ways to get rid of it.

2. The Risk-Averter
(RED FLAG: No sense of investment)

You don't see the need to lock some money away for a while or invest it into a small business that can create more income streams for you.

3. The Born Buyer
(RED FLAG: No sense of sales)

You keep buying stuff but you don't have anything to sell, meaning you are not generating more income. This can prove economically limiting.

4. The Guess Worker
(RED FLAG: No sense of research)

You are energetic when it comes to jumping into new business ventures or career ideas, but you never bother to do some research so you can have an idea of how to navigate that business or career.

5. The Lonely Islander
(RED FLAG: No sense of networking)

You operate in a mental business space that does not help you grow or establish profitable networks and industry connections.

6. The Crazy Complainer
(RED FLAG: No sense of remedy)

You tend to find everything wrong with life, especially when it comes to finances, but you do nothing to improve your situation.

7. The Time Squanderer
(RED FLAG: No sense of mission)

You easily allow people to have unnecessary access to your life, thus mis-investing your time when it could be put to rewarding use.

8. The Cliché Brigadier
(RED FLAG: No sense of wisdom)

You have a tendency to think you are smarter than ancient wisdom or know better than to listen to good advice. Words like "THINK BIG/THINK OUT OF THE BOX/LIFE IS WHAT YOU MAKE IT" are meaningless to you, at your own detriment.

9. The Cheer Leader
(RED FLAG: No sense of ownership)

You know all the star players - or the latest money guys - but you don't get to play because you've decided to cheer others on.

10. The Chronic Borrower
(RED FLAG: No sense of budget)

You are always queuing for the odd loan or on the phone begging a friend or relative to lend you some cash - again.

11. The Stray Bullet
(RED FLAG: No sense of direction)

You are always doing the right thing at the wrong place, missing your real life purpose and goals.

12. The Lazy Bugger

(RED FLAG: No sense of hustle)

You are a daydreamer who never invests any real work towards the fulfilment of your dreams.

Kgoshii Tshwarelo Mogakane
Author, 12 Types of People to Love… From a Distance
Contact: 073 635 4550

Monday, July 21, 2014

Women Advice From My Dad

Last night my Heavenly Father visited me in my dreams. We spoke about women and he warmly shared some great advice with me.

"Son, if you go bumping into women and you happen to be in need of quality, always look for the following:

1. Look for a woman who is looking for substance, not one who is looking for subsistence.

2. Look for a woman who will invest in your energy, not one who will only enjoy depleting it.

3. Look for a woman with her own dreams, not one who will turn yours into a nightmare.

4. Look for a woman who will laugh with you, not one who will laugh at you.

5. Look for a woman who will give you constructive guidance, not one who will attack your decisions just to show you she is better than you.

6. Look for a woman who will passionately protect your Achilles Heel, not one who will continually bruise it.

7. Look for a woman who understands the value of money enough to make her own, not one who will turn you into her Personal Automated Teller Machine (P-ATM).

8. Look for a woman who will build a family with you based on her respect for your family, not one who will build a family with you while destroying your relationship with your family.

9. Look for a woman with personal swag, not one who will turn you into her symbol of swagger.

10. Look for a woman who will be your partner in crime, not one who will play Accuser of the Brethren.

11. Look for a woman with a sense of spiritual depth, not one who will sink you in her egoistic shallowness.

12. Finally my son, look for the woman you are looking for, not just one who is looking for you or one that others think will be good for you. Only you and myself know your heart son, go for what makes it thump and the one who will keep it pumping through the rough teaching patches of life.

Your Loving Dad,

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Rhino poaching noise speaks less than caring

When human beings continue to lose the fact that they have lost their way, all is in the process of becoming lost. It doesn’t take a bone-throwing sangoma to reveal that South Africa is, and has been, losing the war against rhino poaching. Without sounding eschatological in relation to the tentatively declining rhino population, it is almost safe to take a throat-bleaching shot of whiskey, jump into a lake - moon-walk style - and vomit an intoxicating volley of the following words, “South African rhinos are doomed.”

Undeniably, an environmentally scary number of rhinos have become illicit commercial fodder for the foot chariots chauffeuring “anonymous” masterminds behind the onslaught of rhino slaughter. While nature conservation enthusiasts frown over the latest rhino whose two horns hit the underground in a bloody mess of carefree killing, there is an entire stepladder of criminals who are in jubilant celebration. Yes, they toast to the most pricy bottles of good malt as they muse upon the prospect of moving into a leafy suburb on a plush set of German wheels and scoring their place among the most respected citizens of our materialistic society. No, no, no; don’t act surprised. Our society is completely infatuated with those who are materially ahead of their time; we bow and kiss the feet of those who own equity and hold stakes (steaks) in various private portfolios while owning stretches of land and extravagant dwellings and holiday homes. In other words, although we are not all guilty as charged, we remain unarguably indicted. Our obsession with attaching our heart-concealed respect to people of means translates into crime becoming one of the greatest pillars of wealth-creation. This is because we all want respect, and if wealth is its quota, we shall forever carry the tape measures of fuel needed to arrive at some crumb of respect allocated to those who have reached our recently inhabited level.

It therefore makes common sense that anyone swayed into seeing the profitability of crime will not miss the mis-opportunity of rhino poaching. Others go as far as disguising it as rhino hunting. Duh! Who are they fooling? And who the bloody hell wrote up the law that says, “You can kill a rhino and take its horn – as long as y0u have enough money to be a trophy hunter.”? That means, as long as you are a highly-respected (wealthy) citizen of the society, you can kill any member of the so-called protected species. And they call it trophy hunting, when it is sheer slaughter. It is obvious; this is tantamount to euthanising a healthy human being. This is blatant murder, minus the prosecutor.

To swiftly return to the hang-over – I mean the point – rhinos are facing their weekly brutal deaths simply because we have lost our way. We.Simply.Don’t.Care. That’s all there is to it: We don’t care – about anything, except material gain and earning “respect” among our Epicurio-centric peers?  Our lack of care is an intravenous engagement that goes as far as our deepest moral vein. Just take a look around you. Humans surround you. They need your love, care and protection. But you won’t love, care for and protect them; they don’t matter to you. What matters to you is protecting the dying rhino species. Then, like one gifted Oscar Pistorius, you run around the country urging the hungry crop of rural underdevelopment to spy on your behalf and report these merciless rhino killings to the relevant authorities. Little do you care that the people you are requesting to care for the rhino have not experienced care themselves. Instead, they are expected that each day they wake to more hunger they should continue to trace poachers despite the fact that they themselves – as a rural species – are under a barrage of poverty bombs that are dropped on their heads mercilessly. What about the women and children being raped and slaughtered around the country? Their mutilated bodies are splashed on newspaper front pages to convince you of the importance of the issue in circulation, but still you simply fail to care.

As you return to your house after a long day of enforcing your authority as an employer, you switch on TV and in shock see the broadcast of Marikana mineworkers being reduced to a heap of unrespectable corpses. For a few days you simply don’t understand why those breadwinners were shot. A week later, you have forgotten that such a large number of fathers, uncles, brothers, sons and husbands were killed for asking to be paid better wages. The only thing on your mind is the latest rhino poaching statistics, which come out almost every week. Your heart bleeds as you picture those beautiful animals being hacked to death, but not the children in DRC. What about the SA protestors who are being killed so much? Don’t they matter? Don’t you care? What about the innocent suspects who languish behind bars for years simply because they can’t afford a decent lawyer? What about the secretaries, personal assistants and managers who are forced to open their legs in order for them to keep their jobs? What about girls who can’t go to school because they are experiencing their menstrual cycle and can’t afford sanitary pads?

Now that I realise that my whiskey leap into the lake was not as successful as I had anticipated, let me say this in conclusion. As long as you continue to care about an animal more than you do your fellow human being, South African rhinos are doomed.


Kgoshii Tshwarelo Mogakane

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Long Live My Bleeding Ego

Sometimes I just can't help it, I ask myself, why do I as a politician steal from the poor people who mandated me to work for them? Why am I working against them?

Sometimes I just ask myself as a preacher, why am I using rhetorical tactics to steal from the people that I pretend to be feeding the word of God? Why am I working against them?

Sometimes I just ask myself as a private business owner, why am I exploiting the same employees who are making me rich? Why am I working against them?

Sometimes I just ask myself as a friend, why am I gossiping the very same people that I call my close friends? Why am I working against them?

Sometimes I just ask myself as a lover, why am I cheating on the partner that I told the world I love with all my heart? Why am I working against them?

The truth is: I am hurting. Deep inside, I'm a Mbuyangwana who must work against everything in order to feel better about myself.
The unacknowledged truth is: I have a low self-esteem. Deep inside, I'm a self-pitying individual who must work against everything to boost my esteem.

The scary truth is: My ego is bleeding. Deep inside, I seek some form of validation that can tell me that I matter, because if I feel I do not matter, I become a vicious Social Sniper working against everything to avenge myself on the world.

Yes, this is the truth, but the question is: Why is my ego bleeding?

1. My ego is bleeding for recognition.
2. My ego is bleeding for admiration.
3. My ego is bleeding for attention.
4. My ego is bleeding for appreciation.
5. My ego is bleeding for affection.
6. My ego is bleeding for retribution.
7. My ego is bleeding for restitution.
8. My ego is bleeding for manipulation.
9. My ego is bleeding for an upper hand.
10. My ego is bleeding to be better than my neighbour; to be better than my peers; to be better than my friends; to be better than my partner; to be better than my brother; to be better than my sister; to be better than my relatives; my ego is bleeding to be better than my enemies.

In the paraphrased words of Paul the Biblical Apostle, “Oh, wretched man that I am, who shall deliver me from this ego?”

The Egomaniac

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

The tragedy of marriage

(A poem for Relebogile Kgalane)

What great a tragedy it is for a man to get married
If he marries not his bosom friend
Below the rubble of loss of self for decades buried
His beginning, nothing but a sorrowful end

But what an awesome joy it should be
For one so affectionately blind to begin to see
That a vow made to friendship
Is an intravenous tonic that travels skin deep
Better than a spouse with whom you only share the cottage of sleep
For a friend will tow you when life elects itself a harrowing steep

Therefore, my homey, be a good lover
But forget not to be a friend, or rather
Forget not to be one who sticks closer than a brother
For friendship is a new breast post our weaning from dear Mother

What a tragedy it is for a man to marry a wife
If he marries not the one who makes him laugh all day,
Cry some nights, but celebrate all his life
Than the one who loves you less than she does your payday

"Here comes the bride, here comes the bride"
The melodies of Eros serenade us as we beam with pride
And glory be to Eloah, when behind the veil it is your friend that hides
What a blessed day, when a man deepens his amorous strides
